The most attractive areas for building a dwelling can also be the most hostile environments for building materials. Australians love the coast, but the onshore breezes create corrosion problems that don’t exist even a few kilometers from the sea.

While once upon a time people expected their cars to rust, their homes to be repainted very five years and their guttering to be replaced every 10 years. Now attitudes and expectations have changed, there is a greater readiness to divest responsibility or litigate if products do not perform”.

It’s a case of “she’ll be right mate” changing to “she is not right mate and what are you going to do about it”.

Enzie stairs has long offered galvanised external spiral stairs for a wide range of uses, but something more is needed to cater for the building and renovation boom brought on by the demographic shift to the coast in the past decade.

Two metals that are known to resist salt spray are Aluminium and 316 Stainless Steel. Both the Classic Stair model and the Universal Stair model are now available in either of these materials. The few fixing bolts needed for these modular spiral stair systems are made of stainless steel. In addition, 22 standard colours are available, using a four or five-coat finish employing Wattyl, Jotun and Dulux primer and powder-coating products. The entire Dulux powder-coating range is available as an option.

Add to these options a Hot Dipped galvanised option in the Universal Model. Hot Dip Galvanising offer a very high level of performance without the price tag of Stainless Steel. This option can be powder-coated, but here at Enzie we feel that this is introducing an element that might require maintenance down the track.

Enzie Stairs, which gained national and international award recognition for innovation design, has joined the fight against coastal corrosion with the introduction of aluminium and marine grade 316 material to its safe, space-saving and easy to install modular spiral stairs.